
Lund University

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Anna Thomasson

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School of Economics and Management

Senior Lecturer

Area of expertise:

Business and sustainability

Research keywords:

Inter-municipal collaboration, networks, political governance, organization, resilience

Research mission:

To contribute to knowledge development and hopefully have an impact on public sector service delivery.

Core interest in research field:

Public sector development and political governance

Subject presentation:

My research focuses on governance, management and management control, and organization of politically governed organizations with focus on infrastructure. I also research collaboration, partnering and public-private relations and procurement issues.

Research passion:

To improve public sector service delivery and secure future public service quality and make sure that both are sustainable.

Feelings about being a researcher:

The best work one can have, allows for development and learning all throughout life!

Likes/dislikes in research:

I like when you find those great ideas and see how things are connected! A difficulty is that sometimes it is challenging to focus on publishing and be dependent on getting funding for what you think is relevant and interesting.

Biggest challenge in research:

To find time to focus on research

Interests outside of work:

Running and yoga, read literature and spend time with my family and friends

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